


Purpose: Control external devices using the digital outputs available on the potentiostat’s Misc. I/O connector.

There are four bits of uncommitted digital output on the Misc. I/O Connector. These bits are high-speed CMOS outputs (74HCTxxx family). A 330 W resistor in series with the output is used to protect against accidental short-circuits.

Individual bits can be set, or all four bits can be controlled simultaneously. The bits are labeled Out0, Out1, Out2, and Out3. See your potentiostat’s Operator’s Manual for the pin assignments in the Misc. I/O Connector.

There are two different ways to call this function.

In the first syntax, BITS arguments are used to show the desired bit pattern and to show the range of bits to be changed. Remember that a BITS constant has the form 0x0XXXX with X representing any hexadecimal digit.

Each of the lowest four bits of the BITS argument corresponds to one of the output bits. A bit is onlychanged if the mask argument has a one in that bit’s bit-position. A mask argument of 0x0003 would allow changes in Output0 and Output1. With this mask value, Output 2 and Output 3 will not be changed regardless of the bit-pattern argument.

In the second calling syntax, four BOOL parameters list the state of each bit. This format may be easier for the average user to understand.

Usage: Pstat.SetDigitalOut(Setting, Mask)

  Setting BITS

New output code in the lowest four bits. A one in this argument causes a logic HIGH at the connector.

  Mask BITS Identify the bits to be changed.
Pstat.SetDigitalOut(Bit0, Bit1, Bit2, Bit3)

The bit setting.

A TRUE causes the output bit to be a logic ONE.

FALSE causes the output bit to be a logic ZERO.

    NIL Don’t change this bit.

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