Linear Sweep Voltammetry Analysis Pages
The standard Linear Sweep Voltammetry analysis contains the following pages at startup:
- The heart of the linear sweep voltammetry analysis. It contains the data plotted in a voltage-versus-current format.
Experimental Setup
- A list of the parameters used to acquire the data presented on the Chart page.
Experimental Notes
- The notes entered by the user prior to the data acquisition. The Notes can be edited in the analysis, and saved with the changes to an analysis data file.
Hardware Settings
- All of the potentiostat settings used during the run of the experiment.
Additional Pages Which May Become Visible
Quick Integration
- A grid of integration values based on different sections in visible traces, using the most recent use of the Quick Integrate command.
- A grid of minimum and maximum values of each visible trace based on the most recent use of the Min/Max command.
Peak Locations
- A grid of peak locations and magnitudes based on the most recent use of the Peak Find command.
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