
The Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy software is a complex system for the acquisition and analysis of EIS data. This does not mean that operation of the system is difficult to learn. In these tutorials, we will demonstrate standard operation of the EIS System. Please run through the tutorials IN ORDER because results from earlier tutorials are used in subsequent exercises.

  1. Recording an EIS Spectrum on the supplied dummy cell using a standard technique.
  2. Changing parameter sets for standard techniques.
  3. Standard data-analysis and plotting.
  4. Simple changes to an Explain™ script.
  5. Examining ASCII Data and Results files.
  6. Modifying an Equivalent-Circuit Model

We strongly recommend that you run through the exercises. Practice is always the best way to get comfortable with a new program.

When you have finished performing the tutorial exercises, you should know how to make the EIS system perform any standard operation.

NOTE: What these tutorials do not do is:

  • Teach you all you need to know about Windows. We do discuss Windows operations that are essential for use of the EIS software. Additional Windows® knowledge is available from the Microsoft documentation and tutorials.
  • Explain the EIS experimental technique itself, why it is run, and what its parameters mean. Some of this information is available in the help sections on theory.
  • Describe the Explain Control Language in enough detail that you can modify scripts. This information is available in the Explain Library Help sections.
  • Discuss the Mott-Schottky technique used to generate impedance-versus-voltage curves.