Choose the Initial Delay

Activate the check box next to Init. Delay. The “X” in the box disappears, indicating that the Initial Delay is now off. Notice that the parameters associated with the Initial Delay are grayed out.

With Initial Delay off, the experiment will still perform a very short delay at open circuit — just long enough to measure the open-circuit potential.

We now return to the Notes… button that we skipped over previously. Notes are text that you enter to describe a given experiment. Typically you use notes to save data such as sample identification, media in which the test is performed, and other experimental conditions. The text in the notes becomes part of the data file for an experiment.

NOTE: Pressing the enter key when entering notes does not have the effect you may expect. enter is equivalent to selecting the OK button, terminating the Notes… dialog box. If you want a new line in your notes, use ctrl+enter.

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