Mott-Schottky Overview

The Mott-Schottky analysis script allows you to open Mott-Schottky data files by selecting the data file from the File Open window. The data file opens, and a series of tabbed pages are created in a new window. These tabs contain a graph of the data, experimental setup information, experimental notes, and hardware settings.

The standard Mott-Schottky analysis script shows a plot of impedance magnitude and phase versus applied voltage on the first page.

There are two ways to calculate the capacitance out of a single-frequency impedance experiment.

  • One is to assume a series resistor and a capacitor;
  • The other is to assume a parallel resistor to a capacitor.

By default, the EChem Analyst™ assumes the model of a parallel capacitor and a resistor. You can change this setting under Impedance>Options.