A Sample Explain™ Script
The following code is typical of a customized script. It is shown here so that you can get a feel for the overall structure and syntax of a script. If you are not familiar with object-oriented programming, this code can look particularly frightening. Don’t panic; we don’t expect you to understand this script yet.
The sample script automates a common corrosion test that determines the critical temperature at which pitting corrosion starts to occur. It does the test by running repetitive scans at different temperatures.
include “explain.exp” ; read in standard Framework library
global Pstat
global Output
function Main()
Pstat = PSTAT.New(“PSTAT”, “Pstat0”) ; Create Pstat object
if (Pstat.Open() eq FALSE) ; Open PStat object
Warning(“Can’t open the potentiostat”)
; Open the output file. All results will go to this file & be used later
in analysis.
Filename = “TPSCAN.DTA” ; Assign Filename
Output = OUTPUT.New(“OUTPUT”, Filename, “Output”) ; Create Output Object
if (Output.Open() eq FALSE)
Warning(“Can’t open the output file “, Filename)
Tinit = QUANT.New(“TINIT”, 25.0, “Start Temp. (C)”) ; Initial Temp Object
Tfinal = QUANT.New(“TFINAL”, 50.0, “Final Temp. (C)”) ; Final Temp Object
Tstep = QUANT.New(“TSTEP”, 5.0, “Temp. Step (C)”) ; Temp Step Object
; Ask user to fill in values for Tinit, Tfinal, Tstep
Setup(“Critical Pitting Temperature Scans”, Tinit, Tfinal, Tstep)
Printl(“Pitting Temperature Tests”)
Tinit.Printl() ; Print the Temperature Setup Parameters to output file
; Create a cyclic ramp generator
; running from V=-1.0 V to 2.0 V to 0 V at 10 mV/s
; sample at 1 s intervals
Signal = VUPDN.New(“SIGNAL”, Pstat, -1.0, 2.0,0.0, 0.010, 0.010 1.0)
Pstat.SetSignal(Signal) ; Specify the signal for the Pstat object
T = Tinit.Value() ; Extract values from objects
Tf = Tfinal.Value() ; and store in variables
Ts = Abs(Tstep.Value())
if (T lt Tf) ; Temp scan going up?
while (T lt Tf)
if (PitScan( -1.0) eq FALSE ) ; record a scan
T = T + Ts
else ; T > Tf temp scan going down
while (T gt Tf)
if (PitScan( -1.0) eq FALSE )
T = T – Ts
SetTemp( NIL ) ; Clean up
function PitScan (Vinit)
; Create a curve to be run.
Curve = CPIV.New(“CURVE”, Pstat)
Pstat.SetStability(StabilityNorm) ; Set the potentiostat I/E Stability
Pstat.SetIchFilter(IchFilterSlow) ; Set the A/D I filter
Pstat.SetCASpeed(CASpeedNorm) ; Set the Control Amp stability
Pstat.SetIERange(0.1) ; Set the IE converter for big currents
Pstat.InitSignal() ; Initialize the signal
Pstat.SetCell(CellOn) ; Turn on the cell
Pstat.FindIERange() ; Run a current autorange scan
; so the initial points will be in the correct range
Status = Curve.Run() ; Actually run the curve here
Pstat.SetCell(CellOff) ; Turn off the cell
Curve.Printl() ; output curve results
Status ; make status the last thing evaluated
return ; so it will be then returned value
function SetTemp (T)
if (T eq NIL )
SetTemp(25.0) ; Recursive Function call!
Pstat.SetAnalogOut((T-25.0)*20.0) ; Controller = 20 mV/C, To = 25C
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