Abort() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Abort a running script with no user-intervention or prompt. Usage: Abort() Related Topics
Yield() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Allows other Windows® applications to run, by temporarily suspending the Explain™ script. Control returns to the Explain script when Windows has nothing else to do.… read more →
Warning() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Display a warning message for the operator. Operator must click OK before the script continues. Usage: Warning(Message) Message STRING The text in the Warning… read more →
WinExec() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Start execution of a Windows® application by a call from Explain™. Equivalent to a Program Manager File>Run… command. Usage: WinExec(Command, Mode) Command STRING The… read more →
VARRAY.Tweak() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Modify an existing VArray signal generator. Usage: Varray = VARRAY.Tweak(Tag, Pstat, Bias, Cycles, SampleRate, VectorSignal, VectorRepeat, BiasMode) Tag STRING Object Tag Pstat PSTAT CLASS Potentiostat that… read more →
VCONST.New() Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Create a new constant voltage signal generator. Usage: Vconst = VCONST.New(Tag, Pstat, Voltage, Time, SampleTime) Tag STRING Object tag. Pstat PSTATCLASS Potentiostat that… read more →
Vconst.Tweak() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Changes the parameters of an existing constant-voltage signal-generator. Usage: Vconst.Tweak(Pstat, Voltage, Time, SampleTime) Pstat PSTATCLASS Potentiostat that uses the signal. Voltage REAL Applied voltage… read more →
VCONST Type: CLASS Purpose: A constant-voltage waveform which can be applied by a potentiostat/galvanostat/zra while in the Potentiostat mode. The VCONST object encapsulates information about the applied voltage, the elapsed… read more →
VectorCount() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Returns the dimension of a VECTOR object. Usage: Dimension = VectorCount(Vector) Dimension INDEX The maximum number of elements in Vector. Vector VECTOR A VECTOR… read more →
VectorNew() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Generates a new VECTOR. A VECTOR is a linear array that can hold any Explain™ datatype or object. The number—but not the type—of the VECTOR‘s… read more →