Pstat.ModelNo() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Returns the potentiostat Model Number. Usage: PstatNo = Pstat.ModelNo() PstatNo INDEX Potentiostat model number. Related Topics
PSTAT.New() Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Create a new Pstat object. You can’t actually create potentiostat hardware in software, so the New function is used to identify which of the available… read more →
Pstat.LEDS() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Read the current LEDS setting. See Pstat.SetLEDS() for more information. Usage: Setting = Pstat.LEDS() Setting BITS The current state of… read more →
Pstat.MeasureA() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Read the voltage on the potentiostat’s Auxiliary A/D Input. The full-scale range of the Auxiliary A/D input is ±3 volts. The bit resolution is 0.1… read more →
Pstat.MeasureI() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Read the cell current. This function is used to get an immediate current reading without the complexity of running a data-acquisition curve. The current range… read more →
Pstat.IERangeLowerLimit() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Reads the lower limit of the IERange as currently set. Usage: Result = Pstat.IERangeLowerLimit() Result INDEX Lower limit as set.… read more →
Pstat.IERangeMode() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the current status of the autoranging mode of the I/E converter. Usage: Mode = Pstat.IERangeMode() Mode BOOL TRUE is autoranging… read more →
Pstat.IEResistor() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the effective I/E resistance. This resistance, when multiplied by the cell current, gives the voltage output of the I/E converter. Usage: Conversion = Pstat.IEResistor(Range)… read more →
Pstat.InitSignal() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Initialize the signal which is currently being used by the potentiostat. This causes the signal to be reset to the beginning, so any curves run… read more →
Pstat.InstrumentVersion() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Report the current revision of the instrument’s firmware. Usage: Pstat.InstrumentVersion() The value returned is 0 Used by all instruments for the general version number 1… read more →