Output.Open() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Open the Output file. Make it the current output file for the running experiment. Close any other open Output. If a file of the same name… read more →
Output.SetCommit() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Changes the way in which the output file is written. The output file can be set up to update the file directory after each write to… read more →
OUTPUT Type: CLASS Purpose: File management. Each Output object describes a file which may be open or closed. There can only be one open Output for each running script. This… read more →
OUTPUT.Dialog Type: LICENSE Purpose: Allow Output file name to be edited, saved, and restored in the Setup dialog box. Setup displays an Output object as: Prompt [Filename ] where the… read more →
Output.FileName() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Extract the file name from an Output into a string. Usage: FileName = Output.FileName() FileName STRING Related Topics
Oneparam.SetV1() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Set the current value of the REAL embedded in a Oneparam. Returns the value that was just set. Usage: Oneparam.SetV1(Value) Value REAL Value to set… read more →
Oneparam.V1() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Copy the current value of the REAL embedded in a Oneparam into a REAL. Usage: Value = Oneparam.V1() Value REAL Current value of the Oneparam’s… read more →
Output.Append() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Reopen an existing Output file and move the file pointer to the end of the file. Make it the current output file for the running experiment.… read more →
Output.Close() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Close the Output file, remove its name from the caption. If a running experiment has no open Output, any output from Print and Printl statements is… read more →
ONEPARAM.Dialog Type: LICENSE Purpose: Allow a Oneparam to be edited, saved, and restored in Setup(). The Twoparam is edited using the fields: Prompt [X] On(or Off) Prompt1 Val1 Selecting the… read more →