Ocv.Sprint() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Print the status of the Ocv to a string. The object‘s tag and last acquired data point are printed in the format: Tag,PointNumber Usage: Result =… read more →
Ocv.Printl() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Ocv.Printl() appends the contents of an Ocv object to the Output file. The data format is: Tag <tab> “TABLE” <tab> Points <tab> “Pt” <tab> “T”… read more →
Ocv.Run() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Run the curve. When Run() is executed, the acquired data are displayed in a real-time updating curve. There are four buttons active during Ocv.Run(): Abort,… read more →
OCV.New() Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Create a new object of class OCV. Don’t run the curve yet. Usage: Ocv = OCV.New(Tag, Rate, Timeout) Tag STRING Object Tag used by… read more →
OCV Type: CLASS Purpose: Manages data-acquisition for a controlled-voltage I–V curve. However, it is a special-purpose curve designed for measuring the open-circuit voltage over time. The measurement is made in… read more →
Ocv.DataValue() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Extract a single data item from an OCV object. The data item is taken from the ith data point and the jth data column. If… read more →
Ocv.LastE() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Find the last measured E value in an Ocv curve. This can be used as the measured open-circuit voltage by statements like: Ocv.Run() POTEN.SetEoc(Ocv.LastE()) Check… read more →
ObjectNew() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Creates a new instance of a Class Object. Usage: self = ObjectNew(SomeClass) self CLASS The new variable of CLASS SomeClass. SomeClass TEXT The… read more →
Ocv.Activate() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Make the real time plot of the Ocv object the Active plot. If the Runner window Curve List control is set to Active, the plot… read more →
Ocv.Count() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Returns the number of points actually acquired in an OCV object. Usage: NumPoints = Ocv.Count() NumPoints INDEX The number of points in the OCV… read more →