Ocv.Activate() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Make the real time plot of the Ocv object the Active plot. If the Runner window Curve List control is set to Active, the plot… read more →
Notes.Value() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Copy the Notes text to a string variable. This is limited in length to the first 255 characters. Usage: Text = Notes.Value() Text STRING Related… read more →
Notify() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Writes a short string in the leftmost region of the runner window‘s status bar. The string is generally used to notify the operator when the… read more →
Notify2() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Writes a short string in the right-most area of the runner window‘s status bar. The string is generally used to notify the operator about various… read more →
NOTES.New() Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Create a new object of class NOTES. Suppose the object is created with the statement: Notes = NOTES.New(“CONDITIONS”, 400, NIL, “Notes…”) Notes is an object… read more →
Notes.Printl() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Print Notes to the output file. The object is printed in the format: Tag <tab> NOTES <tag> LineCount <tab> Prompt First Line Second Line …… read more →
NOTES Type: CLASS Purpose: A string, editable in Setup, that may be used for experiment notes. Class NOTES differs from Class LABEL in the length of the string allowed, the… read more →
NOTES.Dialog() Type: LICENSE Purpose: To allow Notes to be edited in a full-view dialog box. Setup() displays a button next to the reduced notes entry area. When you click this… read more →
NormalD() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Normalize an angle in degrees from –360 to 360. Usage: Normalized = NormalD(degrees) Degrees REAL The original angle in degrees. Normalized REAL The… read more →
NormalR() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Normalize an angle in radians from –2π to 2π. Usage: Normalized = NormalR(radians) Radians REAL The original angle in radians. Normalized REAL The… read more →