Mux.Dac() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Report the voltage on a given channel’s DAC. Usage: Voltage = Mux.Dac(Channel) Channel INDEX Channel number (0 to 7). Voltage REAL Voltage of… read more →
MUX Type: CLASS Purpose: The MUX class encapsulates the functions and data required for control of an ECM8 Electrochemical Multiplexer by an Explain™ script. The functions within this class have… read more →
Mux.Cell() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Reports the number of the Active Cell (if any). Usage: Active = Mux.Cell() Active INDEX or Channel number of the Active Cell (0 to… read more →
Mux.Dialog Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Allow selection of an ECM8 multiplexer in a Setup() dialog box. The selected ECM8 will be associated with the Mux object following a call to… read more →
MULTIPARAM Class Functions New MyVariable = MULTIPARAM.New (Tag, Desc1, Desc2, Index, Value, Prompt) Tag STRING Unique Identifier Desc1 VECTOR Vector of STRING containing the user selections Desc2 VECTOR Vector of… read more →
MessageBox() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Creates, displays, and operates a message box. The message box contains an application-defined message and title, plus any combination of predefined icons and push buttons.… read more →
Modulus() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate modulus of a complex number. Modulus = sqrt(Re×Re + Im×Im). Usage: Modulus(RealPart, ImagPart) RealPart REAL Real part of the complex number ImagPart… read more →
Log10() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the base 10 logarithm of a Number. If Number < 0, the absolute value is taken first. Usage: Result = Log10(Number) Number REAL… read more →
Mathematical Functions Basic math functions used in Explain Scripts. More… Functions Data type Name and description REAL Abs (REAL number) Calculate the absolute value of a number. More… INDEX Abs… read more →
Mean() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate statistical mean on a set of data. The data set can include all of the data in a DATACOL object, or a subset of… read more →