Ivt.Run() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Runs the curve. When Ivt.Run() is executed, the acquired data are displayed in a real-time curve. There are four buttons active during Ivt.Run(): Abort, Pause/Continue,… read more →
Ivt.SetPlotView() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Formats the real-time display of an IVT curve. The x-axis source is fixed to time. x-axis units are always seconds (s). The z-axis parameters are… read more →
IsXdigit() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Determines if an ASCII number refers to a hexadecimal digit (A–F), (a–f), or (0–9). Usage: Result = IsXdigit(AsciiNumb) AsciiNumb INDEX ASCII number of the… read more →
IVT Type: CLASS Purpose: Manages data-acquisition for a variety of curves at a reduced level of control. This general-purpose curve is used for conditioning as well as in several add-on… read more →
Ivt.Activate() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Makes the real-time plot of the Ivt object the Active plot. If the runner window‘s Curve List control is set to Active, the plot is… read more →
Ivt.Count() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Returns the number of points actually acquired in an IVT object. Usage: NumPoints = Ivt.Count() NumPoints INDEX The number of points in the IVT… read more →
IsSpace() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Determines whether an ASCII number refers to white-space. Returns TRUE if AsciiNumb is a white-space character (0x09–0x0D or 0x20). Each of these routines returns FALSE… read more →
IsUpper() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Determines if an ASCII number refers to a uppercase letter (A–Z). Usage: Result = IsUpper(AsciiNumb) AsciiNumb INDEX ASCII number of the character. Result… read more →
IsAlpha() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Determines if an ASCII number refers to a letter (A–Z) or (a–z). Usage: Result = IsAlpha(AsciiNumb) AsciiNumb INDEX ASCII number of the character. … read more →
IsDigit() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Determines if an ASCII number refers to a numeric character (0–9). Usage: Result = IsDigit(AsciiNumb) AsciiNumb INDEX ASCII number of the character. Result… read more →