Cosh() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the hyperbolic cosine of a number. The definition of Cosh is: Cosh(x) = [ex + e–x]/2 Usage: Result = Cosh(Number) Number REAL The… read more →
CURVE Type: CLASS The CURVE class and Curve objects do not exist as distinct Explain™ entities. The terms CURVE and Curve object are used in this help section to refer… read more →
DATACOL Type: CLASS Purpose: Holds a one-dimensional data array. DATACOL objects are usually short-lived, existing only during a function call. As appropriate for transient objects, there are no Datacol functions… read more →
Complex.Real() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Returns the real component of a complex number. Usage: RealComp = Complex.Real() RealComp REAL Real component of complex number Complex. Related Topics
Config() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Looks up an .INI file value. Usage: Result = Config(File,Section,Key) File STRING What file to look in. If the file doesn’t have a path, the… read more →
Cos() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the cosine of an angle. The angle must be in radians. Usage: Result = Cos(Angle) Angle REAL Angle whose cosine is to be… read more →
Complex.Sub() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Subtracts two complex numbers. The parameter is a second complex number. The second complex number is subtracted from the first complex number. Usage: Diff = Complex1.Sub(Complex2)… read more →
Complex.Tan() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Calculates the tangent of a complex number. Usage: Result = Complex.Tan() Complex COMPLEX Existing instance of a complex number. Result COMPLEX Tangent of complex… read more →
Complex.SetReal() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Sets the real component of a complex number. Usage: Complex.SetReal(Number) Number REAL New real component of Complex. Related Topics
Complex.Show() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Outputs the value of a complex number to the STDOUT window. Usage: Complex.Show(Text) Complex COMPLEX Existing instance of a Complex Number. Text STRING Description… read more →