Callin() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Dynamically assigns a callin (compiled) function to a variable. Callin() is equivalent to the static syntax: function Result callin FunctionName or function Result callin Library… read more →
Array.Get() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Returns the value or object contained in an array element. Usage: Data = Array.Get(x1, x2, . . ., xn) x1 INDEX First position within the… read more →
ARRAY Type: CLASS Purpose: Stores a multidimensional array of data. Elements stored in an ARRAY object can be any valid Explain™ type or object. Each element maintains a type, so… read more →
Array.Dim() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Returns the dimensions of the array. Array.Dim() returns the number of dimensions in the array, while Array.Dim(dimension) returns the size of the specified array column.… read more →
ArcSin() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the ArcSine of a number. The angle is calculated in radians Usage: Result = ArcSin(Number) Number REAL The number whose ArcSine is to… read more →
ArcTan() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the ArcTangent of a number. The angle is calculated in radians Usage: Result = ArcTan(Number) Number REAL The number whose ArcTangent is to… read more →
ArcCos() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the ArcCosine of a number. The angle is calculated in radians Usage: Result = ArcCos(Number) Number REAL The number whose ArcCos is to… read more →
Abs() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the absolute value of a number. The number may be an INDEX or a REAL. The value returned is the same type as the… read more →