Using Loops in the Sequence Wizard You can view a video of this tutorial also. There are three different kinds of loops in the Sequence Wizard. The purpose of a… read more →
Using Variables in the Sequence Wizard You can view a video tutorial of this section also. Variables are a powerful aspect of the Sequence Wizard. Variables allow you to make… read more →
Tutorial: Your First Sequence Creating a sequence is as easy as using the mouse to select your steps. This tutorial will help you to create your first sequence. When you… read more →
User-defined Sequence A user-defined sequence is a an experiment protocol defined using Gamry’s Sequence Wizard. An existing sequence can be displayed within the Sequence Wizard using the Open Sequence button.… read more →
Run Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, click the Run Sequence button to run the current User-defined Sequence. The sequence is saved, and an Explain™ script is generated. Framework™ runs… read more →
Save As Script Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Save As Script button turns the User-defined Sequence into an Explain™ script. Specify a name for the script and it is… read more →
Save Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Save Sequence button saves a User-defined Sequence to a .GSequence file. The saved sequence can be re-opened and edited later. You can… read more →
Sequence Wizard The Gamry Instruments Sequence Wizard is a tool to help you create custom experiments. The Sequence Wizard is not the same as the auto scripts. The wizard is… read more →
Steps Available in the Sequence Wizard This tree-view presents the different steps and experiments that can be added when you are creating or editing a Sequence Wizard sequence. The steps… read more →
Increase Nest Level Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Increase Nest Level button, or its shortcut (CTRL + RIGHT ARROW) will shift a step into a loop, causing the item… read more →