Purpose: Implements a generic curve that you can “stuff” with data directly from Explain™.
The data in this curve can be plotted on the run-time screen. CGEN curves all have four data columns. Unlike the other Explain curve classes, the data columns in a CGEN object do not have preassigned meanings. Column 0 can contain time in one script, current in another, and pH in a third.
A typical lifecycle for a CGEN object is:
Cgen = CGEN.New() ; create the object
Cgen.SetAxis(X_AXIS,1,0.5,0,”E(mv)”) ; specify linear potential on x-axis
Cgen.SetAxis(1,2,0.001,1,”I(uA)”) ; specify log current on y-axis
i = 0
while (i lt maxpoints)
… ; get point
Cgen.AddPoint() ; add point to curve
Cgen.Activate() ; display plot
Printl(“t”,Cgen.Sprintl(i)) ; output point to disk
i = i + 1
…. ; rest of code
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