Library Routines
Library Routines
The Functions
Basic Math Functions
- Abs() Calculate the absolute value of a number
- Exp() Calculate exponent of a number
- Index() Convert a quantity to an INDEX
- LineOpt() Find a frequency that rejects line (mains) noise
- Log() Calculate natural logarithm of a number
- Log10() Calculate base-10 logarithim of a number
- Modulus() Convert Real, Imaginary to Modulus
- Phase() Convert Real, Imaginary to Phase
- Pow() Calculate number raised to a power
- Rand() Generate a random number
- Real() Convert quantity to floating point
- Round() Round off a REAL to N decimal places
- Sqrt() Calculate square root of a number
Trigonometry Functions
- ArcCos() Arc Cosine
- ArcSin() Arc Sine
- ArcTan() Arc Tangent
- Cos() Cosine
- Cosh() Hyperbolic Cosine
- DtoR() Convert degrees to radians
- NormalD() Normalize an angle to ±360°
- NormalR() Normalize an angle to ±2π
- RtoD() Convert Radians to Degrees
- Sin() Sine
- Sinh() Hyperbolic Sine
- Tan() Tangent
- Tanh() Hyperbolic Tangent
Complex-number Functions
- Complex.Add() Add two complex numbers.
- Complex.Con() Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number.
- Complex.Cos() Calculate the cosine of a complex number.
- Complex.Div() Divide two complex numbers.
- Complex.Imag() Returns the imaginary component of a complex number.
- Complex.isEqual() Compare the values two complex numbers
- Complex.Mag() Calculate the magnitude of a complex number.
- Complex.Mul() Multiply two complex numbers.
- Complex.New() New complex number.
- Complex.Phi() Calculate the phase of a complex number in radians.
- Complex.Real() Returns the real component of a complex number.
- Complex.SetImag() Set the imaginary component of a complex number.
- Complex.SetReal() Set the real component of a complex number.
- Complex.Show() Output the value of a complex number to the STDOUT window.
- Complex.Sin() Calculate the sine of a complex number.
- Complex.Sub() Subtract two complex numbers.
- Complex.Tan() Calculate the tangent of a complex number.
Array Functions
- Array.Dim() Gives the dimensions of an array.
- Array.Get() Returns the value or object contained in an array element.
- Array.Set() Stores a value or object in an array element.
String Functions
- Ascii() Convert a character to an ASCII number
- Char() Convert an ASCII number to a character
- IsAlnum() Check if character is alphanumeric
- IsAlpha() Check if character is a letter
- IsDigit() Check if character is numeric
- IsLower() Check if character is lowercase letter
- IsPunct() Check if character is a punctuation character
- IsSpace() Check if character is a white-space character
- IsXdigit() Check if character is a hexadecimal digit
- IsUpper() Check if character is uppercase letter
- StrCmp() Compare two strings
- StrGet() Get the ith character in a string
- StrLen() Calculate length of string
- StrLwr() Convert string to lowercase
- StrSet() Set ithcharacter in a string
- StrUpr() Convert string to uppercase
Time Functions
- DateStamp() Generate a string containing a date
- Time() Set a variable to the current time
- TimeStamp() Generate a string containing a time
Statistical Functions
- Mean() Calculate mean of a data set
- StatsOne() Calculate statistics on one data set
- StatsTwo() Calculate statistics between two data sets
Delay and Program Control functions
- Execute() Launch a child script
- ExecWait() Launch a child script and wait for completion
- Pause() Pause script for a set number of seconds
- Sleep() Tell a script to sleep until a specified time
- Suspend() Allows a user to continue or abort
- WinExec() Start up a Windows® application
- Yield() Let other Windows programs gain control
Output functions
- Cgen.SprintPoint() Used in output of data from a CGEN object.
- Iquant.Sprint() Prints the Iquant to a string.
- Ivt.Printl() Prints the results of a Ivt experiment to the Output file.
- Ivt.Sprint() Prints the status of the Ivt to a string.
- Ivt.Sprintpoint() Used in output of data from a IVT object.
- LABEL.Printl() Prints the Label to the current Output.
- LABEL.Sprint() Prints a label object out to a string.
- Print() Output to the current output file
- Printl() Output to file with automatic newline
- Sprint() Output an item to a STRING
Video Display functions
- Error() Reports a fatal error and terminates the run.
- Headline() Updates the headline above the data curve.
- MessageBox() Creates, displays, and operates a message box.
- Notify() Updates runner-window status display.
- Notify2() Secondary Update runner-window status display
- Query() Asks operator a multiple-choice question
- Setup() Opens a dialog box for inputting parameters
- Stdout() Sends output to the STDOUT window
- StdoutActivate() Brings STDOUT window to foreground
- Warning() Warns operator; waits for OK button to proceed
Class and Object manipulation functions
- Cgen.Activate Makes a particular curve the active curve.
- Cgen.AddPoint Places a data point in the Cgen object‘s data array.
- Cgen.Count() Returns the number of points actually acquired in a CGEN object.
- Cgen.DataCol() Extracts a data column from a CGEN object.
- Cgen.DataValue() Extracts a single data item from a CGEN object.
- CGEN.New() Create a new object of the CGEN class.
- Cgen.SetAxis Helps to define the real-time display of a CGEN object.
- Cgen.Tag() Returns a string containing the Cgen object‘s tag.
- Channel.Active() Reads the Active Cell flag from a channel object.
- Channel.Area() Reads the sample area from a channel object.
- Channel.Ident Reads the test identifier string from a channel object.
- Channel.New() Creates a channel object.
- Channel.PrintNotes() Prints the Channel object‘s notes information to the output file.
- Channel.SetActive() Allows a script to set the Active Cell flag in a channel object.
- Channel.System() Reads the name of a chemical system from a channel object.
- ClassAddCSel() Dynamically add a class variable
- ClassAddISel() Dynamically add an instance variable
- ClassIndex() Numerical sorting of classes
- ClassName() Place class name in a STRING
- ClassNew() Dynamically create a class
- DLGSPACE.Dialog Informs Setup() what to do with the DlgSpace object.
- DLGSPACE.New() Generates a new DLGSPACE object.
- FindClassByName() Return a class given a STRING
- Iconst.New() Creates a new constant-current signal-generator.
- Iconst.Tweak() Changes the parameters of an existing constant-current signal-generator.
- Iquant.Dialog Allows an Iquant to be edited, saved, and restored in Setup().
- IQUANT.New() Creates and initializes a new Iquant object.
- Iquant.Print() Prints an Iquant to the current Output file.
- Iquant.SetValue() Sets the value of the Iquant.
- Iquant.Value() Copies the current value of a Iquant into an INDEX.
- Ivt.Activate() Makes the real-time plot of the Ivt object the Active plot.
- Ivt.Count() Returns the number of points actually acquired in an IVT object.
- Ivt.DataCol() Creates and returns an object of the class DATACOL.
- Ivt.DataValue() Extracts a single data item from an IVT object.
- IVT.New() Creates a new Ivt object.
- Ivt.Run() Runs the curve.
- Ivt.SetPlotView() Formats the real-time display of an IVT curve.
- LABEL.Dialog Allows LABEL objects to be edited, saved, and restored in Setup().
- LABEL.New() Creates a new label.
- LABEL.SetValue() Allows the script to set a label’s string from within Explain™.
- LABEL.Value() Copies the Label text into a STRING.
- Mux.Aux() Reports the Aux A/D setting.
- Mux.Cell() Reports the number of the Active Cell (if any).
- Mux.Close() Releases communications with multiplexer.
- MUX.New() Creates a new MUX object.
- Mux.Open() Acquires the use of an ECM8.
- Mux.SetAux() Changes the Aux A/D setting.
- Mux.SetCell() Changes the active cell setting.
- Mux.Version() Reports the version number of the ECM8 firmware.
- ObjectNew() Dynamically creates a new object
Disk File Setup functions
- SetupRestore() Recover an old setup on disk
- SetupSave() Save a setup on disk
Miscellaneous functions
- Callin() Dynamically acquire DLL library function
- Channel.Dialog Allows a Channel to be displayed and modified in a Setup dialog box.
- Config() Read an INI file value
- Ivt.StopAt() Enables or disables the Ivt termination limits.
- Ivt.StopAtDelay() Avoids premature stopping of a curve caused by noise.
- Ivt.Thresh() Sets up threshold conditions which must be met before Ivt.StopAt() tests are performed.
- Multiparam Gives various parameters
- LoadLibrary() Dynamically load a DLL library
- SetConfig() Set an INI file value
- VariableAndUnits Interconvert units
- VectorCount() Determine size of a VECTOR
- VectorNew() Generate a new VECTOR
Mathematical Class
- COMPLEX Complex number class
Parameter Classes having Dialog license suitable for Setup
- CHANNEL Sets up multiplexed experiments
- DLGSPACE Generates white space in Setup()
- IQUANT An integer parameter for general use
- LABEL A short string for general use
- NOTES A multiline string too long to SAVE/RECALL
- ONEPARAM Complex class: 1 TOGGLE, 1 QUANT
- OUTPUT An output file
- POTEN A potential with vs Eref and vs Eoc info
- QUANT A real parameter for general use
- SELECTOR Radio button selection
- STATIC String used for descriptive purposes
- TOGGLE An on/off parameter for general use
- TWOPARAM Complex class: 1 TOGGLE, 2 QUANTs
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