This experiment allows you to follow changes in the corrosion rate of a sample versus time. The Electrochemical Frequency Modulation Trend script makes a series of EFM measurements at fixed… read more →
Run the Electrochemical Frequency Modulation Trend standard technique by selecting Experiment>Electrochemical Frequency Modulation>Electrochemical Frequency Modulation Trend from the Framework™ menu bar. This initiates the following sequence of events: Framework creates… read more →
Here is the setup window for the EFM standard experiment: Many of the parameters are common to all experiments, and have been covered elsewhere. The parameters specific to the EFM experiment… read more →
A single Electrochemical Frequency Modulation experiment makes a rapid measurement of the corrosion rate of a sample without a priori knowledge of Tafel constants. You may also wish to run… read more →
Run the Electrochemical Frequency Modulation standard technique by selecting Experiment>Electrochemical Frequency Modulation>Electrochemical Frequency Modulation from the Framework™ menu bar. This initiates the following sequence of events: Framework creates a runner… read more →
A current value of –1.2 mA can mean different things to people in different areas of electrochemistry. To a corrosion scientist it represents 1.2 mA of cathodic current. To an… read more →
Electrochemical Frequency Modulation (EFM) is a useful technique for electrochemical corrosion testing. Our EFM software allows rapid measurement of corrosion rate without a priori knowledge of Tafel constants. Like Polarization… read more →
The numerical result obtained by fitting corrosion data to a model is generally a corrosion current. More practical, however, is to think about corrosion rates in more useful terms, such… read more →
Technique Electrochemical Frequency Modulation (EFM) is a nondestructive corrosion-measurement technique that can directly give values of the corrosion current without a priori knowledge of Tafel constants. Like Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy… read more →