The EIS software includes a graphical Model Editor that can be used to generate new equivalent cell models. As with scripts, you usually generate new models by making changes to… read more →
Select File>Save As…. A dialog box appears asking for the file name you wish to use for the new file. NOTE: There is a good reason for saving the file… read more →
Maximize the editor window so that it fills the available Framework™ window, using the mouse or the keyboard. Continue the tutorial.
Select File>Open…. The Open a script for editing window appears. By default, only existing files with the .EXP file name extension are displayed in the file list. All the standard… read more →
Connect the cell cable on potentiostat number 1 to the EIS dummy cell provided with your system. Continue the tutorial.
Close any open windows, so that the only program running is the Framework™ software. Continue the tutorial.
Normally you modify an existing Explain™ script whenever you need a new type of experiment. This tutorial demonstrates how you generate, save, and execute a new script. You will modify… read more →
About twenty lines further into the program, find the following code: result = Setup(“Potentiostatic EIS”, & PstatSelect.Selector(selector_asterisk), & Title, & Output, & Notes, & FreqInit, & FreqFinal, & PointDensity, &… read more →
Change the value in the line from 0.2 to 1.0. The line now reads: FreqFinal = QUANT.New(“FREQFINAL.”,1.0,”Final Fre&q. (Hz)”) Continue the tutorial.