Activate the check box next to Init. Delay. The “X” in the box disappears, indicating that the Initial Delay is now off. Notice that the parameters associated with the Initial… read more →
Change the Initial Freq. parameter to 2000 Hz. Editing a numerical field is very similar to editing a text field, by using the mouse or the keyboard. Most numbers in… read more →
Change the Output File parameter to TEST.DTA. Edit a dialog box text field such as the Output File field using either the mouse or the keyboard. Output file names must… read more →
If you have more than one potentiostat, practice selecting potentiostats. When you are comfortable with PStat selectors choose the first potentiostat again, using the mouse or keyboard. The Test Identifier… read more →
Choose Electrochemical Impedance on the Experiment pull-down menu. On the EIS child menu, select Potentiostatic EIS. This selects the standard EIS experiment. Continue the tutorial.
Close any open windows, so that the only program running is the Framework™ software. Continue the tutorial.
The standard EIS technique is useful but it does have limitations. One of these is that its default parameters (such as AC amplitude and frequency limits) are not usable for… read more →
You can model impedance spectra various equivalent circuits. For example, a spectrum displaying two time constants can be modeled by a number of different equivalent circuits. You cannot assume that… read more →
Modern EIS analysis uses a computer to find the model parameters that give the best agreement between a model’s impedance spectrum and a measured spectrum. A non-linear least squares fitting… read more →
The impedance behavior of a purely capacitive coating was discussed in Model 1. Most coatings degrade with time, resulting in more complex behavior. After a certain amount of time, water… read more →