Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the imaginary portion of the AC current. Usage: Result = FraCurve.Iimag() Result REAL RMS AC current in amperes.
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the measured DC current. Usage: Result = FraCurve.Idc() Result REAL DC current in amperes.
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the actual measurement frequency. This may be slightly different from the requested frequency because of roundoff errors or noise- rejection algorithms. Usage: Result = FraCurve.Freq()… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Extracts a single data item from a FRACURVE object. The data item is taken from the ith data point and the jth data column. If no… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Extract a data column from a FraCurve object. This data column is packaged in a DATACOL object that can then be used for further processing. Usage:… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Set the maximum and minimum number of cycles the FRA can use to make its measurements. Usage: FraCurve.CycleLim(CycleMin, CycleMax) CycleMin INDEX Minimum number… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the number of points actually acquired in a FRACURVE object. The number returned is not the same as the number of points allocated. Usage: NumPoints… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Make FraCurve the Active curve. If the user has chosen to look at Active on the curve list, bring this curve to the top. Usage: FraCurve.Activate()
Type: CLASS Purpose: The class FRACURVE performs a single-frequency AC current/voltage measurement. It displays a curve in a real-time curve window during acquisition. This curve may be either a Lissajous… read more →
The EIS software uses functions and classes that are specifically designed for AC measurements. These include two simple math functions that calculate modulus and phase from a complex number. The… read more →