The data file from a Galvanodynamic experiment normally is analyzed by the Galvanodynamic.Gscript analysis script. Use Galvanodynamic experiments to obtain qualitative or quantitative information. The Galvanodynamic data can be used… read more →
Run the Galvanodynamic standard technique by selecting Experiment>DC Corrosion>Galvanodynamic from the Framework™ menu bar. This initiates the following sequence of events: Framework creates a Runner window, and the Galvanodynamic.exp script… read more →
The Galvanodynamic technique generates current-vs.-voltage curves under galvanostatic control. It is not only the galvanostatic equivalent of potentiodynamic, but can also generate data analogous to Tafel and polarization data. Its… read more →
Here is a Galvanodynamic Setup dialog box complete with its default parameters. Initial I The starting point for the current sweep during data-acquisition. The allowed range is ± your potentiostat’s… read more →
The data file from a Galvanostatic experiment is normally analyzed using the Galvanostatic.Gscript analysis script. Galvanostatic experiments are usually used to obtain quantitative information. The primary use of the analysis… read more →
Run the Galvanostatic standard technique by selecting Experiment> DC Corrosion>Galvanostatic from the Framework™ menu bar. This initiates the following sequence of events: Framework creates a Runner window, and the Galvanostatic.exp… read more →
The Galvanostatic technique does not have a single purpose; rather, it is used for general-purpose measurements. For example, you can use Galvanostatic experiments to study the formation or breakdown of… read more →
Run the Cyclic Polarization standard technique by selecting Experiment > DC Corrosion > Cyclic Polarization from the Framework™ menu bar. This initiates the following sequence of events: Framework creates a… read more →
The Cyclic Polarization technique is normally used to qualitatively evaluate a metal’s tendency to pit in a corrosive environment. With this technique, you can determine quantitative information such as protection… read more →
Here is a Cyclic Polarization Setup dialog box complete with its default parameters. Initial E Starting point for the initial sweep during data-acquisition. The allowed range is ±10 V with… read more →