Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Extracts a single data item from an RCV object. The data item is taken from the ith data point and the jth data column. If no… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Make the real-time plot of the RCV object the Active plot. If the runner window‘s Curve List control is set to Active, the plot is displayed. If… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the number of points actually acquired in an RCV object. The number returned is not the number of points allocated. Usage: NumPoints =Rcv.Count() NumPoints INDEX… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Modify an existing IRUPDN signal generator. Usage: Idstep.Tweak(Pstat,IInit,TInit,IStep1,TStep1 IFinal,TFinal,SampleTime) Pstat PSTATCLASS Potentiostat that will use the signal IInit REAL Initial value in amperes. TInit REAL Initial… read more →
The Spectroscopy software uses functions and classes that are specifically designed for spectroscopic and spectro electrochemical experiments. These include absorption, transmission, and raw count measurements. Furthermore, spectroscopic measurements can be… read more →
Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Create a new IRUPDN signal generator. Usage: Irupdn=IRUPDN.New(Tag,Pstat,Iinit,IApex1,IApex2,Ifinal,ScanInit,ScanApex,ScanFinal,Hold1,Hold2,Hold3,SampleTime) Tag STRING Object tag Pstat PSTATCLASS Potentiostat that will use the signal IInit REAL Initial value in amper TInit… read more →
Type: CLASS Purpose: The IDSTEP class describes a three-part current-step waveform which can be applied by a potentiostat while in the Galvanostat mode. The Idstep object encapsulates information about the… read more →
Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Create a new Idstep signal generator. Usage: Idstep = IDSTEP.New(Tag,Pstat,IInit,TInit,IStep1,TStep1 IFinal,TFinal,SampleTime) Tag STRING Object tag Pstat PSTATCLASS Potentiostat that will use the signal IInit REAL Initial value… read more →