Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Creates a new GALVCOR object. The data-array is sized according to the signal generator used. Usage: Galvcor = GALVCOR.New(Tag, Pstat) Tag STRING Curve… read more →
Type: CLASS Purpose: The GALVCOR class manages data acquisition for a galvanic corrosion experiment. It is a real-time curve-management class that is very similar to the CPIV class. We will… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the number of points actually acquired in a GALVCOR object. Usage: NumPoints = Galvcor.Count() NumPoints INDEX The number of points in the… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Enable or disable the Cpiv termination limits. There are six limiting conditions upon which a curve may prematurely terminate: 1. Under I < Limit 2. Over… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Used to avoid premature stopping of a curve because of noise creating a false reading for a StopAt test. Requires StopAt criterion be met for a… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Set up threshold conditions which must be met before Cpiv.StopAt() tests are performed. When any of the threshold tests is met, the StopAt criteria are evaluated… read more →
The Framework™ Explain™ library contains most of the functions and classes required to run the DC Corrosion software. Only a few additional classes are unique to the DC Corrosion software. They are… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Used in output of data from a CPIV object. A data point from the object is printed to an ASCII string. This string can in turn… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Format the real time display using the SetPlotView and SetAxis functions. Usage: Cpiv.SetPlot(View, MinI, MinV, MinT) View INDEX 0 = V vs I… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Set the number of graphs displayed in the real-time display. Usage: Cpiv.SetPlotView(Format) Format INDEX 0 = No graph displayed 1 = Single graph… read more →