Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Helps to define the real-time display of a CIIV object. Associates an axis with a data column in the object. Controls linear/logarithmic display formatting and allows labeling… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Set the form of the Ciiv real-time plot. Plots may be shown as logE vs I, E vs I, or in a dual E vs T… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Run the curve. When Ciiv.Run() is executed, the acquired data are displayed in a real-time curve. There are three buttons active during Ciiv.Run(): Abort/F1 button Terminates… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Extracts a single data item from a CIIV object. The data item is taken from the ith data point and the jth data column. If no… read more →
Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Creates a new CPIV object. The data-array is sized according to the signal generator used. Usage: Cpiv = CPIV.New(Tag, Pstat) Tag STRING Curve… read more →
Type: CLASS Purpose: The CPIV class manages data acquisition for a Controlled Potential I–V curve. There may be more than one data-acquisition object in a script, but only one may… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Make the real-time plot of the CIIV object the Active plot. If the runner window‘s Curve List control is set to Active, the plot is displayed.… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Return the number of points actually acquired in a CIIV object. Usage: NumPoints = Ciiv.Count() NumPoints INDEX The number of points in the… read more →
Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Create and return an object of the class DATACOL. The object contains data extracted from one column of the CIIV object’s data array. The data, once… read more →
Type: CLASS Purpose: The CIIV class manages data acquisition for a Controlled Current I–V curve. There may be more than one data-acquisition object in a script, but only one may… read more →