Pstat Selects the potentiostat/galvanostat to perform the experiment. Each radio button corresponds to an installed potentiostat. A selected potentiostat has its corresponding button is filled in.In a multiple-potentiostat system, change… read more →
The Framework creates a runner window, and theNormal Pulse Voltammetry.exp script is run in this window. The script creates the Setup dialog box, which becomes the active window and accepts… read more →
Normal Pulse Voltammetry (NPV) is used for both quantitative chemical analysis and to study the mechanism, kinetics, and thermodynamics of chemical reactions. NPV provides higher sensitivity than non-pulse methods such… read more →
In a Normal Pulse voltammetric experiment, a series of ever-increasing voltage pulses is applied to the working electrode in an electrochemical cell. This staircase waveform is defined by the Step… read more →
Sampled DC Voltammetry (SDC) is used for both quantitative chemical analysis and to study the mechanism, kinetics, and thermodynamics of chemical reactions. SDC is the digital version of the most… read more →
Pstat Selects the potentiostat/galvanostat to perform the experiment. Each radio button corresponds to an installed potentiostat. A selected potentiostat has its corresponding button is filled in.In a multiple-potentiostat system, change… read more →
The Framework creates a runner window, and theSampled DC Voltammetry.exp script is run in this window. The script creates the Setup dialog box, which becomes the active window and accepts… read more →
In a Sampled DC voltammetric experiment, a staircase voltage sweep is applied to the working electrode in an electrochemical cell. This staircase waveform is defined by the Step Size (mV)… read more →
Pstat Selects the potentiostat/galvanostat to perform the experiment. Each radio button corresponds to an installed potentiostat. A selected potentiostat has its corresponding button is filled in.In a multiple-potentiostat system, change… read more →
The Framework creates a runner window, and the Square Wave Voltammetry.exp script is run in this window. The script creates the Setup dialog box, which becomes the active window and… read more →