Pstat Selects the potentiostat/galvanostat to perform the experiment. Each radio button corresponds to an installed potentiostat. A selected potentiostat has its corresponding button is filled in.In a multiple-potentiostat system, change… read more →
Reverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry (RNP) is used for both quantitative chemical analysis and to study the mechanism, kinetics, and thermodynamics of chemical reactions. It is often used with a Dropping… read more →
The Framework creates a runner window, and theReverse Normal Pulse Voltammetry.exp script is run in this window. The script creates the Setup dialog box, which becomes the active window and… read more →
In a reverse normal pulse voltammetric experiment, a complex voltage scan is applied to the working electrode in an electrochemical cell. The waveform is the sum of a growing pulse… read more →