The Gamry Framework™ is the basis for all Gamry Instruments Windows®-based software. All applications are accessible through the Framework menus. Toolkit users who write their own custom software still need… read more →
Start all experiments via the Framework™’s Experiment dropdown menu: After you select a standard or custom script from this menu, the Framework creates a runner window, and opens up a… read more →
Runner Window Controls Four push-button controls, F1 through F4, control the process in the runner window. An additional control called the Curve List is associated with the F5 key. The… read more →
Pausing any portion of an experiment causes that experiment’s timer to stop running. All time-dependent actions, such as data acquisition, stepping the voltage, or measuring a time delay, stop. The… read more →
The Setup dialog box changes the parameters and switches that the technique uses in running an experiment. Access a parameter in the Setup dialog box using either the keyboard or… read more →
When you set up one of the standard experiments, there are five buttons at the top of the Setup dialog box. These five controls are independent of which technique you… read more →
An Editor window is created when you select File > New Editor or File > Open… from the Framework™ menu. File> New Editor opens a blank editor window. File >… read more →
The selections on the File dropdown menu deal mainly with the Framework™’s built-in script editor. Do not use the File menu to run experiments. Use the Experiment menu instead! If… read more →
The Edit menu commands provide simple Editor functions. The selector for the Edit menu is grayed out and inactive unless the active window is an Editor window. The Edit dropdown… read more →
A typical Experiment dropdown menu is shown above. The items found on this menu are not the same in all systems. They depend on: Which Gamry Instruments Windows®-based software systems… read more →