Toggle.SetValue() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Copy a BOOL into an existing Toggle. Usage: Toggle.SetValue(Switch) Switch BOOL The new value of the Toggle. Related Topics
TOGGLE Type: CLASS Purpose: Provides a simple ON/OFF switch that an operator may use to set a BOOL value in Setup. BOOLs cannot be edited directly in Setup (see discussion… read more →
Suspend() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Allows user to either suspend or continue execution. This function makes use of a query box which asks the user a question and gives the… read more →
Tan() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the tangent of an angle. The angle must be in radians Usage: Result = Tan(Angle) Angle REAL Angle whose tangent is to be… read more →
Tanh() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a number. The definition of Tanh is: Tanh(x) = Sinh(x) / Cosh(x) Usage: Result = Tanh(Number) Number REAL The… read more →
StrLwr() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Converts all uppercase letters in a string to lowercase. Usage: AllLower = StrLwr(String) String STRING String for conversion. AllLower STRING String converted to… read more →
StrSet() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Sets a character in a string to a new ASCII character specified by an index. Position is zero-based. For example, String = “ABC” StrSet(String, 2,… read more →
StrUpr() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Converts all letters in a string to uppercase. Usage: AllUpper = StrUpr(String) String STRING String for conversion. AllUpper STRING String converted to all… read more →
StatsOne() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate statistical information on a set of data. The data set can include all of the data in a DATACOL object, or a subset of… read more →
StatsTwo() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate statistical information between two sets of data. Calculate statistical information between two sets of data. The data set can include all of the data… read more →