Print() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Prints one or more values to the output file. Only the primitive data types (REAL, INDEX, STRING, BOOL, and BITS) print usable values. For example:… read more →
Poten.Printl() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Print a Poten to the current Output file. The Poten is printed in the format: Tag <tab> POTEN <tab> Quantity <tab> T <tab> Prompt or… read more →
Poten.SetValue() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Set the potential value from the script. Usage: Poten.SetValue(Quantity, VsEoc) Quantity REAL New value of potentiol. or NIL If NIL, value not changed.… read more →
POTEN.New() Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: To create and initialize a new Potenobject. Usage: Poten = POTEN.New(Tag, Quantity, vsEoc, Prompt) Tag STRING Used by Setup() Save/Restore, Poten.Printl(). Quantity REAL… read more →
POTEN.SetEoc() Type: INSTANCE FUNCTION Purpose: Set the Poten class‘s Eoc value. This value is usually acquired by measuring the potentiostat cell voltage with the cell switch off. NOTE: This value… read more →
Phase() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Calculate the phase in degrees of a complex number using Phase = arctan(Im/Re). Usage: Result = Phase(RealPart, ImagPart) RealPart REAL Real part of the… read more →
POTEN.Dialog Type: LICENSE Purpose: Allow Poten to be edited, saved, and restored in Setup(). The Quant is edited using the fields: Prompt [Quantity ] [ ] vsEref or Prompt [Quantity… read more →
POTEN.Eoc() Type: CLASS FUNCTION Purpose: Read the Poten class‘s Eoc value. Usage: Eoc = POTEN.Eoc() Eoc REAL New voltage. Applied to all Poten objects. Related Topics
POTEN Type: CLASS Purpose: Creates a Voltage value that may refer to either Working Electrode vs Reference Electrode Voltage (vs Eref) or Working Electrode vs W.E. at open-circuit voltage (vs… read more →
Pause() Type: REGULAR FUNCTION Purpose: Pause the execution of this script for a specific number of seconds or until the user hits the SKIP button. This function will return control… read more →