Sequence Wizard The Gamry Instruments Sequence Wizard is a tool to help you create custom experiments. The Sequence Wizard is not the same as the auto scripts. The wizard is… read more →
Steps Available in the Sequence Wizard This tree-view presents the different steps and experiments that can be added when you are creating or editing a Sequence Wizard sequence. The steps… read more →
Tutorial: Your First Sequence Creating a sequence is as easy as using the mouse to select your steps. This tutorial will help you to create your first sequence. When you… read more →
User-defined Sequence A user-defined sequence is a an experiment protocol defined using Gamry’s Sequence Wizard. An existing sequence can be displayed within the Sequence Wizard using the Open Sequence button.… read more →
Increase Nest Level Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Increase Nest Level button, or its shortcut (CTRL + RIGHT ARROW) will shift a step into a loop, causing the item… read more →
Load Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Load Sequence button loads a saved User-defined Sequence from the disk. Saved sequences have the extension .GSequence.
Move Item Down in Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Move Item Down in Sequence button, or its shortcut (CTRL + DOWN ARROW) causes the selected step to be… read more →
Move Item Up in Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Move Item Up in Sequence button, or its shortcut (CTRL + UP ARROW) causes the selected step to be… read more →
Names of Data Files Simple Example Gamry’s Sequence Wizard needs to generate unique file names for tests run within a loop. This Help page describes the generation of file names… read more →
Ordering Steps This page describes specific alterations made to Sequence scripts generated by the Gamry Sequence Wizard. You need a script before you can alter a script. The script can… read more →