Load Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Load Sequence button loads a saved User-defined Sequence from the disk. Saved sequences have the extension .GSequence.
Move Item Down in Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Move Item Down in Sequence button, or its shortcut (CTRL + DOWN ARROW) causes the selected step to be… read more →
Add Step to Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Add Step to Sequence button places the currently selected item in the Available Steps tree into the User-defined Sequence. The… read more →
C Rate What is C Rate? The C rate is a term used in battery and supercapacitor research to describe the rate of charging or discharging of one battery in… read more →
Clear Sequence Button Within the Sequence Wizard. the Clear Sequence button clears the User-defined Sequence of any steps. Be certain you want to clear the sequence, for any sequence you… read more →
Close Wizard Button The Close Wizard button closes the Gamry Sequence Wizard. Reopen the Sequence Wizard by selecting the Sequence Wizard item on the Experiment Menu of the Gamry Framework™,… read more →
Decrease Nest Level Button Within the Sequence Wizard, the Decrease Nest Level button, or its shortcut (CTRL + LEFT ARROW), shifts a step out of a loop, causing the item… read more →
Entering Parameters This help file describes an editing function within the Sequence Wizard. Entering parameters for steps in the Sequence Wizard is very similar to the way they are entered… read more →
The layout of GIM is shown below: Instrument List In the left pane is the list of all instruments that are currently, or have previously been connected to the computer.… read more →