The Delta Ep command is used to determine the potential difference between two peaks. In order to use this command, first you must find two or more peaks with the… read more →
Framework creates a runner window, and the GetRu.Exp script runs in this window. The script creates the Setup dialog box, which becomes the active window and accepts changes in the… read more →
Click on each of the setup parameters for a description of its use and function. Pstat Selects the potentiostat/galvanostat that will perform the experiment. Each labeled button corresponds to an… read more →
Electrochemical test cells always have a solution resistance controlled by the cell’s geometry and the composition of the cell’s electrolyte. Current flow through this solution resistance can cause significant errors… read more →
Open Circuit Potential is used to measure the open-circuit voltage (Eoc) of an electrochemical cell. It can be run on all Framework™ systems that include a Gamry Instruments potentiostat. NOTE:… read more →
The Utilities menu includes a number of general-purpose routines that perform the following functions: Potentiostat Calibration to correct for drifts in instrument circuits. Menu selections are: Calibrate Instrument DC Low… read more →
Set a Current is used to apply a current to an electrochemical cell and measure the voltage resulting from that current. It creates a graph of voltage versus time with… read more →
Set a Voltage is used to apply a voltage to an electrochemical cell and measure the current resulting from that current. It creates a graph of current versus time with… read more →
Stray Elements as a Source of EIS Errors EIS measures the impedance of an electrochemical cell over a wide range of frequencies. Often EIS measurements suffer from errors caused by… read more →
Select Experiment >Utilities >Calibrate Instrument on the Framework menu. You see a dialog box similar to this: This Framework system has two Gamry potentiostats connected: a Reference™ 600+ and an… read more →