- Calibrate Temperature Measurement To calibrate the Thermocouple on the Reference family instruments, or the RTD probe on the Interface family, please follow these… ...
- Ru Estimation Experimental Sequence Framework creates a runner window, and the GetRu.Exp script runs in this window. The script creates the Setup dialog box,… ...
- Ru Estimation Setup Parameters Click on each of the setup parameters for a description of its use and function. Pstat Selects the potentiostat/galvanostat that… ...
- Uncompensated Resistance Electrochemical test cells always have a solution resistance controlled by the cell's geometry and the composition of the cell's electrolyte.… ...
- Open Circuit Potential Open Circuit Potential is used to measure the open-circuit voltage (Eoc) of an electrochemical cell. It can be run on… ...
- Overview of Utilities The Utilities menu includes a number of general-purpose routines that perform the following functions: Potentiostat Calibration to correct for drifts… ...
- Set a Current Set a Current is used to apply a current to an electrochemical cell and measure the voltage resulting from that… ...
- Set a Voltage Set a Voltage is used to apply a voltage to an electrochemical cell and measure the current resulting from that… ...
- Theory behind Cable-Capacitance Correction Stray Elements as a Source of EIS Errors EIS measures the impedance of an electrochemical cell over a wide range… ...
- Discontinuities in EIS Spectra What does a Discontinuity Look Like? Spectra collected using Gamry Instruments’ EIS scripts will occasionally show discontinuities. They are small,… ...